Circumnavigating Australia — Geraldton and HMAS Sydney Memorial

Geraldton map at HMAS Sydney Memorial

One of the first things Ursula and I did after taking the shuttle out of the secure area of the port was to take a free bus ride. Our immediate objective was to get to the HMAS Sydney Memorial. The memorial sits atop Mount Scott, which offers some nice views of the surrounding area.

HMAS Sydney Memorial

But this is a solemn place. It commemorates the loss during World War II of HMAS Sydney (D48), a modified Leander Class light cruiser that was sunk in a November 1941 battle against the German auxiliary cruiser Kormoran.

History of HMAS Sydney in black marble

As you approach this impressive monument from the entrance, this is your view:

HMAS Sydney Memorial

The wall surrounding the 12-meter/39-foot Dome of Souls is the backside of a black marble Wall of Remembrance that tells the story of HMAS Sydney, the battle with the Kormoran, and a listing of the 645 Australian Navy sailors who lost their lives.

HMAS Sydney Memorial

Also at the memorial is The Waiting Woman looking out to sea and grieving for her lost loved one:

“The Waiting Woman” HMAS Sydney Memorial

This tall structure invokes the prow of HMAS Sydney, and is referred to as The Stele:

“The Stele” HMAS Sydney Memorial

Beyond the area encompassed by the Dome of Remembrance and Wall of Remembrance is the Pool of Remembrance. Don’t bother looking up the wreck coordinates from the numbers at the bottom of the pool. The South Latitude is missing the first number, which should be a “2”, so make sure you enter 26 14 45 South or you’ll be way off.

“Pool of Remembrance” HMAS Sydney Memorial

Centered beneath the Dome of Souls is a replica ship’s screw marking the memorial’s “altar”:

HMAS Sydney Memorial

I’ll leave you here with one final image looking back toward the Dome of Souls:

“Dome of Souls” HMAS Sydney Memorial

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