Indonesia — Bali; Luwak Coffee (more Cat-Pooh-Chino)

Like Semarang, Bali has Cat-Pooh-Chino as well

You may recall that back on 15 April I posted an article on Luwak Coffee (a.k.a., cat-pooh-chino) on our visit to the central portion of the Indonesian island of Java. As a refresher, kopi luwak (also known as civet coffee) is made from partially digested coffee beans fed to the Asian palm civet. Hence the humorous name of Cat-Pooh-Chino. Today’s cuppu comes from Satria Luwak Coffee located about a two-mile/3.2km drive north of Gunung Kawi.

Satria Luwak Coffee

Now, for some strange reason not everyone in our tour group was up for a cup of Joe. Various conventional coffees, teas, and even hot cocoa were available for those less adventurous among us:

Pre Brew
Post Brew

As for Ursula and me, we were ready of our cup of Joe. Joe, by the way, was the friendly civet who pooped out our caffeine fix:

A Cup of Joe Courtesy of Joe D. Civet

Yes, you can buy luwak coffee to take home with you:

Luwak Coffee

While you’re here, follow the sign to the coffee bean processing area:

Luwak Coffee Processing Center

Here you can watch the help roast the washed beans:

Washing and Roasting Away All Traces of Joe D. Civet

Now for some Bali flora photos:

Слава Україні! (Slava Ukraini!)

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